Swimming pool
From 2022 new 17-meter swimming pool with hydromassage
Our swimming pool completely renovated in 2022 has been designed for you to relax during your vacation. The length of the pool is 17 meters, the width is 7 meters while the depth is only 130 centimeters in order to be as safe as possible. Accessing it is very easy thanks to a wide staircase, inside the pool you will find a hydromassage area with 4 seats, a fountain, with which to exploit a wide jet to loosen the cervical muscles and a small beach where you can lie down by the pool and enjoy finally a tan and a well-deserved rest. Ready to make your friends envy you?
And what do the children do? We have a swimming pool specially dedicated to them where they can play with their parents or make new acquaintances. The depth of this pool is approximately 60 centimeters while it measures 5 meters in length and 3 meters in width.
The times for swimming in our pools are: 08.00-12.30 and 15.30-19.00, while access to the solarium remains active from 8.00 to 19.00.
Don't you want to spend the day of your check out driving in the sun? Ask at reception, based on availability and for a little extra, we give you the opportunity to use the swimming pool/beach and the parking lot even on the day of departure.
Our swimming pool opens at the end of May until the end of September.
Our swimming pool completely renovated in 2022 has been designed for you to relax during your vacation. The length of the pool is 17 meters, the width is 7 meters while the depth is only 130 centimeters in order to be as safe as possible. Accessing it is very easy thanks to a wide staircase, inside the pool you will find a hydromassage area with 4 seats, a fountain, with which to exploit a wide jet to loosen the cervical muscles and a small beach where you can lie down by the pool and enjoy finally a tan and a well-deserved rest. Ready to make your friends envy you?
And what do the children do? We have a swimming pool specially dedicated to them where they can play with their parents or make new acquaintances. The depth of this pool is approximately 60 centimeters while it measures 5 meters in length and 3 meters in width.
The times for swimming in our pools are: 08.00-12.30 and 15.30-19.00, while access to the solarium remains active from 8.00 to 19.00.
Don't you want to spend the day of your check out driving in the sun? Ask at reception, based on availability and for a little extra, we give you the opportunity to use the swimming pool/beach and the parking lot even on the day of departure.
Our swimming pool opens at the end of May until the end of September.
- in data 18/11/2020 la società Adone Vianello srl Codice Fiscale 03803980279 ha ricevuto il contributo previsto dal Decreto Rilancio per l'importo di Euro 5.075,00 (Art.25 del decreto-legge 19 maggio 2020)
- in data 26/11/2020 la società Adone Vianello srl Codice Fiscale 03803980279 ha ricevuto il contributo previsto dal Decreto Ristori e Decreto Ristori bis per l'importo di Euro 7.613,00 (Art.1 del decreto-legge 28 ottobre 2020 n. 137 e Art.2 del decreto-legge 9 novembre 2020 n. 149)
- in data 16/06/2021 la società Adone Vianello srl Codice Fiscale 03803980279 ha ricevuto il contributo previsto dal Decreto Sostegni per l'importo di Euro 14.741,00 (Art.1 del decreto-legge 22 marzo 2021, n. 41)
- in data 24/06/2021 la società Adone Vianello srl Codice Fiscale 03803980279 ha ricevuto il contributo previsto dal Decreto Sostegni bis per l'importo di Euro 14.741,00 (Art. 1 del decreto-legge 25 maggio 2021, n. 73)
- in data 30/12/2021 la società Adone Vianello srl Codice Fiscale 03803980279 ha ricevuto il contributo automatico sostegno al Turismo per l'importo di Euro 5.000,00 (Art. 6, comma 6 e ss del DM 243 2021)
- in data 16/03/2021 la società Adone Vianello srl Codice Fiscale 03803980279 ha ricevuto un mutuo per nominali 30.000,00 garantito dal Fondo di Garanzia PMI Aiuti di Stato ai sensi dell'art.1 del decreto legge 8 aprile 2020, n.23
- “La società ha ricevuto benefici rientranti nel regime degli aiuti di Stato e nel regime de minimis per i quali sussiste l’obbligo di pubblicazione nel Registro Nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012.”