The beach
The Beach The beach is framed by a thick green pine forest, where you can enjoy a few moments of relaxation in the shade, kissed by a light and pleasant sea breeze. The beach of Jesolo extends from Porta di Piave Vecchia to the Port of Cortellazzo. The latter is a well-known and appreciated tourist port for its availability of mooring and for its proximity to high-level artistic tourist sites such as Venice. The port can accommodate over 450 boats, offering them services and assistance. The sand of the beach of Jesolo is very fine and has a suggestive amber color. The shore, in fact, is composed of dolomitic sand that also has some healing properties. What is particularly appreciated in this seaside resort is not only the sand but also the sea. In addition to having clean waters, in fact, the sea of Jesolo is much loved by families for its shallow waters, which make the holiday safe for the whole family. In the summer, the long coastline of Jesolo is filled with children playing peacefully on the seashore, parents relaxing in the sun and boys and girls having fun. Jesolo is the perfect destination for all ages because it offers a wide range of services and attractions that meet everyone's needs. Blue Flag for many years Safety and cleanliness are certainly two strong points of Lido di Jesolo. The beach is mostly occupied by bathing establishments that provide competent personnel for lifeguarding, but even in the free beach areas nothing is left to chance. The beach is safe in every point and this is essential to guarantee all bathers a perfect climate of relaxation and fun without any worries. The inhabitants of Jesolo are also very careful about the cleanliness of their beach. Their commitment has not gone unnoticed: for some time now the FEC (Foundation for Environmental Education) has awarded the coast the Blue Flag title for the cleanliness of the beach and the sea water. A title coveted by all seaside resorts, which testifies to the quality of the water, the cleanliness and safety for bathers. A very important certification that Jesolo has now demonstrated it can easily maintain, even with the large number of tourists that flock to its coasts every year. Jesolo: a beach for everyone There are around 5 million tourists who choose to spend their holidays along the Jesolo coast every year. Many are families, with small children or teenagers, who choose this place for the many leisure and relaxation activities it offers for parents and children. However, there are also many young people, singles or couples, who appreciate the beach of Jesolo both for daytime relaxation and for nighttime entertainment, with the many parties organized on the sand. Nome * Per favore compila i campi richiesti Email * Per favore compila i campi richiesti Telefono * Per favore compila i campi richiesti Messaggio * Per favore compila i campi richiesti PHA+PHN0cm9uZz5EYTo8L3N0cm9uZz4ge3tmaXJzdC1uYW1lfX08L3A+CjxwPjxzdHJvbmc+RW1haWw6PC9zdHJvbmc+IHt7ZW1haWx9fTwvcD4KPHA+PHN0cm9uZz5UZWxlZm9ubzo8L3N0cm9uZz4ge3twaG9uZX19PC9wPgo8cD48c3Ryb25nPk1lc3NhZ2dpbzo8L3N0cm9uZz4ge3ttZXNzYWdlfX08L3A+ 3 + 4 = ? Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi dell'art. 13 del Regolamento (UE) n. 679/2016 (“GDPR”) Invia messaggio